I remember . . . or do I? Anymore, I'm not sure how reliable my memory really is ~ but I think I have these right!
Millard Denny's squeeky sneakers while we were taking tests. He was a hoot!
LHS' football winning streak of 49 when our senior season ended; Life Magazine's doing a big spread on our team, school spirit, etc; the game against Topeka that we were in danger of losing, but the Pep Club screamed the team on to a win ~ three touchdowns in the last two minutes! The President of the Topeka Student Council sent a letter complimenting the cheerleaders & Pep Club.
Jack Maloney's chuckles while reading the dictionary during study hall in Miss Ruttan's classroom. (Due to alpha seating, we were seated next to each other in many classes over the years! So I have a number of Jack Maloney stories ~ some of which he probably would not care to have publicized!)
The class erupting with laughter, & Mr. Bailey trying not to, the day Jack calmly announced how many holes there were in the ceiling tiles!
Sunnyside & the asphalt stink when they first paved the street ~ the apple orchard to the west.
Dennis Burgert trying out for A-team cheerleader (I think on a dare or as a joke) ~ of course, he got it & was a great asset! I think we were the only school with a male cheerleader in those days.
"The Fishy Four" was a great barbershop quartet ~ maybe they could be persuaded to do a return engagement at 50th reunion!!! I don't remember for sure who they were. I think Jerry Sego & Larry Colburn were two of them.
The day they announced the sophomores' selection for "Most Congenial Senior Girl" ~ Sandy Hayes ~ & the whole auditorium erupted with cheers!! A very popular choice.
The American History class (teacher's name escapes me at the moment) in which the teacher slept while the class read out loud the chapter outlines we had been assigned to write for homework! I transferred out after two weeks!
On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 6:48 AM, <ccrose@sunflower.com> wrote:
I totally agree with you guys - I had no idea most of this stuff was going on, where were we? I even lived on Barker Street and never heard of a Barker Street gang – I guess my parents did a good (?) job keeping me out of trouble.It would be great to write up something with all of the memories. I nominate Martha Allen, retired journalist, she would be great at it!CarolSubject: Re: IMPORTANTJan, Thanks for your reply. I agree, I don't remember a lot of these things. I know most I was never aware of.
I will note to release everything but your street address. Since I haven't received an ok from Judy to release her info, I have sent her a Blind carbon copy of this email so she can reply to you directly. As far as the ones who have authorized me to release their email addresses, I have carbon copied them and you should see their email addresses above.On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 8:21 PM, JAN RICHARDSON <janrichardson3656@msn.com> wrote:
My original response to this was kind of ambiguous, so I'm responding again. I would like to have name, email address, city, state & phone number info released. Street addresses can be exchanged between individuals as desired. Also, I would like to have this info available to me for other classmates.
Last email from Judy Marshall Todd jogged my memory about something that I would like to contact her about, so I would like her email address.
You're doing quite a job updating the "memories" & passing them along to everyone! Is anyone compiling these into a book for reunion? I'm seeing I led an even more sheltered life than I realized! Don't remember ever hearing about most of the shenanigans described!
Jan (Loofbourrow) Richardson, janrichardson3656@msn.com, Omaha, NE, 402-496-3656